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SUCCESS STORY: South Carolina Youth Challenge Academy Cycle 53

At SCYCA, the Social-Emotional Life Skills was implemented in the curriculum eight-week program for the youth and it quickly became a resounding success. The program was designed to provide the youth with valuable life skills and tools to help them navigate their teenage years and beyond.

Throughout the eight weeks, the youth engaged in meaningful discussions on topics such as emotional intelligence, healthy boundaries, conflict resolution skills, accountability, establishing healthy relationships, and setting SMART goals. The group discussions allowed the youth to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment, empowering them to express themselves and learn from one another.

As the program progressed, the youth began to see positive changes in their attitudes and behaviors. They developed a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, leading to improved self-awareness and emotional regulation. The youth also learned how to set boundaries, resolve conflicts peacefully, hold themselves accountable for their actions, and establish healthy relationships based on mutual respect and communication.

By the end of the eight weeks, the youth had grown in confidence and self-esteem, feeling more equipped to handle the challenges of adolescence. They expressed gratitude for the program, recognizing the impact it had on their lives and the valuable skills they had acquired. Many of the youth set ambitious goals for themselves and were determined to continue their personal growth journey.

Testimonials from SCYCA Cadets

I thank you Ms. Drake for teaching me everything you know about life and how to cope with things we sometimes don't know how to handle very well. I've learned a lot from your class from the beginning of the class to the last day of class. I really wish you could be here for the rest of the cycle. I be so ready to come to your class every Wednesday. I need you to help me get through this process. I am grateful you gave me some great advice and the long conversations we had after class I really do thank you so so so much. I'm so glad God gave you a connection to find us. Thank you for the success jars. Thank you again for everything. I love you so much and so grateful that I met you. You make me want to change myself into a brand new person. ~ Cadet Alston

Your program helped me find more purpose in life. It helped me find more self-worth and helped me a lot mentally. We enjoyed your activities and meditations. I love you for being there for us when others were not. ~ Cadet Felder

This program helped me realized I am not alone in my struggles and I an be whatever/whoever I want to be. This class also helped me understand my feelings and helped gave me a peace of mind.~ Cadet Burney

I learned how to value and express my feelings the right way and not to express my feelings the wrong way. Also, I learned how to take accountability. I learned to follow my dreams and how I can chase them by doing the little things first then move on to bigger and better things. ~ Cadet Geiger

I learned that men/boys have feelings and should be able to express them. We should be able to tell people how we feel and not hide our feelings. ~Cadet Stembridge

I learned a lot from the program. The program taught me that I am strong and taught me better coping skills. I learned that it is okay to feel how I feel and I should always respond to my emotions in productive and smart ways. I appreciate Ms. Drake so much for teaching me new things. I will now go on with my life and teach what I learned to my kids one day. I will break generational curses. ~ Cadet Sigler

I learned how to control my attitude better and that not everything needs a reaction. I learned more about myself and my capabilities. I learned your mindset shapes your reality so if you want change you have to first change the perceptions in your mind. This class was amazing. ~ Cadet Boddington

I learnt a lot from this class. I learned to think before you speak. I learned about emotions I did not know I had and I learned how to control my emotions. I learned life skills. I also learned what you believe is what you become. I learned great meditation skills and how to deal with trials and tribulations. ~ Cadet Simpkins

I learned a lot from this program. I learned to address problems differently, I learned how to control my emotions, I learned how to accomplish goals, and how to bond with others. ~Cadet Campbell

This program was very helpful. The program helped me accomplish goals that I did not know I could accomplish to better myself. I really liked this program and it improved me. ~Cadet Landy

What I learned: ~Cadet Davis

  1. You become what you believe.

  2. If you can change your mindset you can change your whole life.

  3. You can be whatever you want to be.

  4. Don't be somebody puppet by letting them have control over your emotions and behavior.

  5. When you fail don't give up. You get back up and keep trying.

At the start of the course each cadet established their goals and were encouraged to diligently work towards achieving them daily. Each week, the cadets were asked to share their progress towards their goals and place a marble in their success jars. In the final class, the cadets with the most marbles were honored with the organization's logo shirt.

Cadet Moment shared his spoken word rap on his transformation.


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