Rebirth Enterprise Youth Development Program continued the partnership with South Carolina Youth Challenge Academy for Cycle 50. We provided our eight-week Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program of Rebirth Spoken Word Program to the cadets. The Rebirth Spoken Word SEL program is to assist cadets who need additional support for positive life change.
"We had a celebration for the cadets involved in the SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Program taught by Doris Drake, of the Rebirth Enterprise Youth Development Program. It was an intimate little pizza party with their ending speeches all starting with a minute of meditation. They all got certificates of achievement and all did so well. We are all so proud of you guys! Congratulations cadets!" ~Dusty Martin
Cadets' Testimonials
"Social-emotional learning has helped me in so many ways such as my build-up anger. Ms. Drake held me accountable for my actions and helped me to look at both sides of a story. I learned the four different types of love. Now I know what I want to be when I leave SCYCA. I am going to finish high school, get my diploma, and go to Midlands Tech for dental hygienist. Then go into a 4-year college to finish my last two years. I really see Ms. Drake as a mentor. She was very open-handed and could relate to a lot of things I had been through or done. She made me open my eyes to treat my loved ones better. Ms. Drake helped me see that my mom only wanted what is best for me. I want to give a special thanks to Ms. Drake for coming every Thursday and pouring all of her knowledge into us. I wish the social-emotional learning program was longer, but I cherish the time I had with Ms. Drake." ~Cadet Simpson
"I loved this program so much!!! It taught me to always stay positive and block out all the negativity that is going on. I have learned some ways to cope when I am feeling mad. Also, how to deal with things and situations in life. I learned how to never give up in life and how things in life will be a challenge, but you must keep pushing to achieve your goals in life. I believe the program should continue throughout the cycles!!!" ~Cadet McKie
"I like this program because it taught me life coping skills that I can use to avoid conflict. Since SEL class I have not been called to the multi-purpose room yet. I will apply this class to everyday life to achieve my goals and avoid conflict. I like this class because it helped me change and become a better me." ~Cadet Thomas
"I like the social-emotional awareness program because it helped me with a lot like controlling my anger, helping others out, and respecting adults. It helped me learn how to deal with someone who makes me mad. The program also helped me think more about my future and think less about my past." ~Cadet Griffin