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At AMIkids WINGS Gateways, the Rebirth Spoken Word Program was implemented as an eight-week program for the youth and it quickly became a resounding success. The program taught emotional regulation skills and introduced the art of spoken word as a coping mechanism to deal with unsettled issues and unregulated emotions. At the end of the program each students wrote and perform their spoken word poems.

Ms. Drake provided our youth a safe space to open up and identify with themselves. She gave the youth helpful tools that they could use to help them cope with past pain and trauma. She started each session off with a breathing exercise that allowed the youth to release and clear their minds. She also guided them through journaling and using their voice to express their deepest feelings and thoughts. It was amazing to see the youth become more engaged as each session progressed. Towards the end, all youth were actively engaged and able to fully participate and reap the benefits of the program.

Shayla Paul

AMIkids Gateways, Inc.

Director of Education

One of the activities was to complete a given phrase by creating an original spoken word poem. They were broken into groups. The group that wrote the best spoken word poem/rap and used the most examples of the literary terms won. All groups did an amazing job! One of the phrases the group had to complete was “When life gets tough remember to…” The below video is their original spoken word piece they wrote for the phrase.


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