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CASE STUDY: Young Explorers Enrichment Center

Doris Drake Spoken Word Program Columbia South Carolina Rebirth Youth Development Program

Young Explorers Enrichment Center's (YEEC) is a nonprofit organization located in Charlotte, North Carolina that focuses on developing the whole child physically, academically and emotionally.

Doris Drake Spoken Word Program Columbia South Carolina Rebirth Youth Development Program

Public schools are often test score driven without room in the curriculum for social emotional development. YEEC seeks to develop children's self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills that are vital for life success.

Rebirth Enterprise's Spoken Word Youth Program was the perfect fit to supplement YEEC's programming because of its laser sharp focus on self-actualization developed through challenging hands on exercises.

The goal of partnering with Rebirth Enterprise was to address the social and emotional needs of the kids at Young Explorers Center.

Rebirth Enterprise introduced Spoken Word as a coping mechanism to help the kids understand emotions and manage their emotions in productive ways.

The Spoken Word Youth Development workshops were engaging, creative and most of all inspirational.

The kids were excited to participate. They were receptive about learning Spoken Word and using it as an outlet to express their emotions.


I had a total of three groups and each morning when I arrived they were waiting eagerly for their group turn. Each group consists of no more than 10 kids per group. Working in smaller groups allows me to be more attentive of each student's demeanor and needs. Smaller groups provide a safe haven or atmosphere for the students to develop a rapport with each other and myself. With developing a rapport they feel more relaxed, comfortable, and vulnerable to open up. With this rapport they begin to support and encourage each other, relate to one another, and learn the importance of having a healthy support system amongst their peers.


Some of the kids were reluctant to perform their spoken word poem in front of their families and peers. They were nervous and scared to speak in front of the crowd. Over the course of the program they gained confidence by relying and trusting their group members to have their back and their own inner strength. While practicing if their nerves got the best of them their group members encouraged them. It was amazing to see them uplift each other and seeing them gradually overcome their fear of public speaking.


The last day each group performed their own original spoken word poem. The audience loved it and cheered them on. The parents were happy to see their kids perform especially those who initially had stage fright.


Through the use of this program kids not only learned about their emotions and Spoken Word but they also overcame their own fears, learned how to inspire one another, and that they have the strength within themselves to accomplish anything.

Doris Drake Spoken Word Program Columbia South Carolina Rebirth Youth Development Program


All sessions led students to a goal of being able to positively describe themselves and claim their value in society. Ultimately, because of Rebirth's Spoken Word Program, participants increased their self esteem and saw themselves as unique individuals that matter.

My takeaway from this experience is that if kids are given constructive alternatives to deal with their issues they will gravitate toward those alternatives in a successful manner. 

​I truly enjoyed having the opportunity to work with the kids in this program. I looked forward to each session. Being able to witness the kids growth on accepting their emotions and learning how to express them in a healthy way was a blessing and edifying for me.


Great programming is the foundation of any enrichment program. Young Explorers Enrichment Center, LLC values community partnerships such as Rebirth Youth Development Spoken Word Program to incorporate art and socio-emotional development in our summer curriculum.

Rebirth's week-long spoken word workshop was engaging, creative, and most of all inspirational. She catered each session for a variety of ages, 5-12 years old. All sessions led students to the goal of being able to positively describe themselves and claim their value in society.

The week-long workshop culminated with a talent show to showcase their art of spoken word. Parents and students alike boost about their experience with Rebirth and how she evoked conversations at home that brought families closer.

Ultimately, because of Rebirth's Spoken Word Program, participants gained self esteem and saw themselves as unique individuals that matter. We look forward to our continued partnership with Rebirth; as her program was a major highlight of the summer.

Renee Goodwin

Owner, Young Explorers Enrichment Center, LLC


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